Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: September 2002:
[aclug-L] Re: FYI: Case Mods

[aclug-L] Re: FYI: Case Mods

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: FYI: Case Mods
From: Michael Moore <mrmoore@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 19:24:18 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

Jeff Vian wrote:

>Mini towers have the power supply at the top-rear. The power supply fan 
>draws air from the case and exhausts it. IMO there is not adequate flow 
>thru that path, and thus most cases also have space to mount one supply 
>fan at bottom front and one exhaust fan at top rear, just below the 
>power supply.  Cheap insurance for case temperatures.
>This does leave the top front where cdrom/disk drive/ etc are mounted 
>with no real air flow - just stagnant as far as flow path is concerned.
>However, on my Athalon boxes, with the 2 extra fans in place; the CPU 
>temp stays at 135 - 140 and sys temp stays at about 120 with a room temp 
>of 85.  This is reasonable and would be lower if the room temp were lower.
>Michael Moore wrote:
>>CPU's didn't get near as hot; but, hard drives produced massive amounts 
>>of heat.  Many years ago I assembled a 286megaherz computer with a 410 
>Are you sure you did not mean a 286 computer, instead of a 286 
>The 286s were built before 386, 486, and pentiums.
Yep, my bad.  Got in to big a hurry typing.  It was an 80286 and I think 
16Mhz or maybe slower.  Remembering now, I think the harddrive was 
closer to the 65megabyte range.  I kept it around as a big paper weight 
but finally trashed it a couple of years ago.

>>megabyte harddrive. The hard drive ran so hot that it would heat up the 
>>ram memory causing the whole computer to lock up after about an hour and 
>>a half of use.  So, I cut a hole in the top of the case and mounted a 
>>fan and it never locked up again.  Also, it doubled as a nice little 
>>office heater in the winter time.
>I remember those times.  Lots of heat.
>>Those old hard drives were hot.  They would burn your fingers.
>>Anne McCadden wrote:
>>>I have always wondered that also.  The engineers know that heat rises, 
>>>thus vent the top of the case.  duh???
>>>Years ago, CPU's didn't get near as hot as what they do now and most 
>>>people only had the computer on for a couple of hours at a time when 
>>>they are using them.  Customers also use the top of the pc to put their 
>>>glass of ice tea or whatever favorite beverage of choice is, and some 
>>>would accidentially spill into the vents or fans in the top of the case 
>>>if they had them.  Others put their scanner or external zip drive, ditto 
>>>drive or CD-RW on top of the pc so that it doesn't clutter up their 
>>>desktop.  A scanner on to of the pc isn't a steady enough surface and 
>>>tends to make the scanned image too fuzzy, but it is an interesting 
>>>effect if that is what you like.  
>>>David Carmichael wrote:
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