Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: July 2002:
[aclug-L] Re: NOAA Radio

[aclug-L] Re: NOAA Radio

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: NOAA Radio
From: Nate Bargmann <n0nb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 5 Jul 2002 06:39:41 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

* David Carmichael <dec2955@xxxxxxxxxx> [2002 Jul 05 06:06 -0500]:
> Ok I think that somebody in this group is a HAM RADIO Builder and might be
> able to help me.

That would likely be me.  :-)

> I have a multiband radio that will pick up NOAA broadcasts.
> But for some unknown [yea right 'David' how about computer(s) and DSS
> receiver] reason I am unable to pick-up the NOAA broadcasts in my office.
> How can I boost the reception range of this little radio? Wrapping it in
> foil does not work...

Ummmmm, wrapping the radio + antenna in foil will "shield" the unit thus
preventing it from receiving anything.  NOAA stations generally run
fairly high power and your local one should be heard pretty much anywhere
in Sedgwick county.  That said there are local factors that will cause
reception to deteriorate.

If your office is a metal building or a metal framed concrete structure,
reception will be severely hampered.  If you have a window try placing
the radio in the window.  The local NOAA station is on 162.550 MHz.  For
a list of others in KS and surrounding states see:

If your radio has provisions for an external antenna connection (often
they are a type "F" connector just like those found on TV and FM
receivers) you may need to consider an outside antenna.  Radio Shack and
other vendors sell scanner antennas that are designed to receive a wide
range of VHF and UHF frequencies, usually from 30 MHz to 900 MHz or so.
These antennas will usually have a type "F" jack as well and normal TV
type of coaxial cable will be used to link the radio to the antenna.
The coaxial cable will have designations such as RG-6 and RG-11.
Computer networking cable with the designation of RG-59 is of the right
impedance (75 Ohm) but may not be as durable outdoors as those cables
designed for cable TV outdoor runs or home satellite reception.  The
antenna vendor will likely have premade runs available in 50' or 100'

My recommendation of a vendor is the Radio Shack at Derby.  Mark
Brechiesen is the owner and a licensed ham as is most of his help.  In
fact Mark runs a ham radio equipment dealership there as well and may
have some stuff not available elsewhere.  Also, if anyone is interested
in amateur (ham) radio, Mark has study guides and one of his part time
employees Norm Tramba conducts the license exam sessions in Valley
Center (shameless plug).

> _OR_ does the local NOAA "WEBCAST" their reports?

I don't think so.  My understanding is that they just generate a text
forecast and current conditions report and that is fed to the Perfect
Paul voice generator that you hear these days.  Actual humans no longer
do the NOAA broadcasts.

> [[>
>     Side note: was going to use this radio for my home '''cable''' weather
> network, found a key macro recorder that I was looking for;  If you missed
> the posting here is what is going on:  After not being able to sell my older
> 233MMX system, I decided to put it to use, reconnect it to my DSL modem and
> have a couple of open web pages from the likes of the and
> the local TV stations weather related web pages, installed the ATI video
> card that I had for sale so that the computer would have a VIDEO out and
> connect it up to a 'UHF MODULATOR' this would then be connected to my
> current home 'RF' distribution system [2-DSS's, 2-VCR's, DVD, and local
> off-air,  not having local cable going on seven years. I now have a 'sort of
> functional weather channel that can be viewed on any TV in the house.]
> <]]

Neat!  I think many others would be interested in what you've done so
might I suggest a Web page detailing your system.

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