[aclug-L] re attacked....
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It was not imagination, my netscape is up besides the usernet box, which shows
in out activity. The red and green got solid, and it said 3.7 k per second of
data was going somewhere. Both times this has happened while I was using
netscape. I try using the kde browser, but it will not handle the java, and I
am told to view the web page, I must use either netscape or Internet exploder.
As soon as I pulled the phone cord out of the wall, the coomputer locked up.
Before it was pulling up web pages, and spawning new web windows. During the
entire event, I had no mouse and no keyboard. When I pulled the phone cord, I
was able to use ctrl alt backspace to kill xwindows. The hard drive was
still grinding, but all sorts of crap was flashing by on the screen---not the
still stuff which is a byproduct of xwindows. I can almost recite the output
word for word of what xwindows leaves on the screen. THis was not that. files
which were /usr/bin ...........at least 5 or six levels deep in my
Michael A.w365hq364hjt461hj6q24h4h464466284q4htttegqgqqqqq5g Holmes
Pol-i-tics (pol'i tiks): From the Greek, "Poly," meaning much or many &
"Ticks," meaning numerous [0 3g 33g 6
3g43s22 24879 sdfaf blood sucking insects, some of which transmit
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- [aclug-L] re attacked....,
Michael Holmes <=