Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: April 2000:
[aclug-L] Sychronizing data across the Internet

[aclug-L] Sychronizing data across the Internet

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To: discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] Sychronizing data across the Internet
From: John Reinke <jmreinke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 02:05:53 -0500
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

For lack of knowing what "Fantastic Manual" to read, I ask this question.

I have data - usually either a directory of source code files or an entire
web site that I'd like to have updated periodically. I will always be
sychronizing it from the same machine, and hope to eventually get a cron
job set up to run this, yet still have the option to run it manually.

I'd like it to work so that if I update a file on either machine, it can
update things so that the newest version of the file will then be on both
machines. I don't want to mess with CVS or anything like that. Is there
some standard command to do this, or wil I need to write a script. It will
run on my home Linux box, and need to log in to (ftp) another machine
running UNIX to accomplish this.

Thanks for any tips or suggestions,

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