Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: February 2000:
[aclug-L] [Fwd: procmailrc help]

[aclug-L] [Fwd: procmailrc help]

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To: Aclug discussion <discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] [Fwd: procmailrc help]
From: Ryan Claycamp <claycamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 09:06:23 -0600
Reply-to: discussion@xxxxxxxxx

I received the following message from out of the blue.  I am not that
knowledgeable about procmail and am unable to help him.  Does anyone
have help?  Could you please write to Hernan as I am assuming he isn't
on the list?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: procmailrc help
   Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000 01:22:54 -0600
   From: "Hernan Ramirez M." <heramire@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
     To: <claycamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Hi. I am writing this letter to you hoping that you can help me.I have
been trying for a couple of weeks to do something in procmailrc without
any luck. What i would like to do is to get on my pager every time i get
an email the SUBJECT and the email of the person that is writing. My
pager has a cgi file to get messages on the net, it works this
way: number&comments=message
here I have been doing some tests on my server with the help of other
people and we found that lynx does not work on my server, and found that
pel5 works.So on the unix prompt, if i type:perl5 -wle 'use
get on my pager: test. So i don't know if can help me, also i have
several emails on my server, i only need it to work on one email
test@xxxxxxxxxxxx after comments= (name=43301909&comments=test)all the
text should be separated by a +, example: this+is+a+test rather than:
this is a test. name=43301909&comments=this+is+a+test     Thanks in
advance, please reply.Hernan

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