Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: November 1999:
[aclug-L] Re: southwind question..

[aclug-L] Re: southwind question..

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To: <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [aclug-L] Re: southwind question..
From: "gLaNDix" <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 6 Nov 1999 16:58:58 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

>The Marion 56k number has only been around for about a month.
>Regardless, though... what has changed since then?  Is the slower
>rate with your ModemBlaster?  If so... all I can say is "I hate to say I
>told you so, but... I told you so."  :-)
>ModemBlasters are crap.

sorry, can't give you that pleasure...  it started the day before i got my
modemblaster...  worked great for a while, then poof, dropped like a rock...
don't know why or if the prob is on my end or theirs...  happened a while
back, but then corrected itself, so i'm not too concerned... just curious! :
^ )


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