Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: discussion: December 1998:
[aclug-L] meeting topics

[aclug-L] meeting topics

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To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [aclug-L] meeting topics
From: John Reinke <ufotofu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 02:36:55 -0600
Reply-to: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Here are a couple of topics I'd like to see in future meetings - the sooner
the better, since I'm almost done with school and will soon find the time
to get to some Linux hacking...

1) Setting up cron jobs - I've heard this is easy to do, but it never hurts
to see it first.

2) Account customization - setting up customized prompts, colored text,
scripts that get activated at login and logout, etc.

3) System security and account management - what security holes generally
exist in a newly installed Linux distribution, how do you fix them. What
are good defaults to use when creating a new account on your system -
either a networked multiuser system or workstation at home.

4) Nifty ideas - everyone could probably contribute to this. What are some
neat customizations and scripts that ACLUG members have used? This could
range from scripts to great little apps anyone wants to share with the rest
of the group. These could be shared on the list, but some might be better
demonstrated at a meeting.

Well, those ideas should at least amount to enough to keep us busy for
another meeting. I realize that most of those topics are more
beginner-oriented, but not everyone starts out as a pro...


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