Re: Windevices was: RE: [aclug-L] phoebe micro pci modem 56k
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-----Original Message-----
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx <aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, December 04, 1998 12:10 PM
>It's not always easy to tell from the packaging. My advice is generally to
>get a non-WinModem USR (Sportster or Courier), which will be a very good
>modem anyway.
True USR does put out a fine modem.
>> them pretty cheap. I suspect that sooner or later, they will ALL be
>> Winmodems, except for external ones. Also, the printer situation is
>I'm not quite that pessimistic, because modems are basically near the end
>their useful life anyway -- there isn't much innovation going on there
>anymore, and R&D dollars are going elsewhere.
I have heard rumor of the fact that Intel will soon be releasing a
"modem/network" type card that will allow the user to achieve transfer rates
equal to that of 10baseT over a phone line on a "piggy-back" signal thus
also allowing the user to use the same phone line at the same time. Which
also means no more need for multiple lines for internet users that are
online almost 24/7. If this is true, modems as we know them now will
eventually get phased out and this new technology phased in.
As I said this is all information that was passed to me by another
individual and I have not checked it out. I believe the release date was
going to be sometime in early 1999 (at least first quarter). Do what you
like with this info/rumor heck if it isn't true, wouldn't it be cool that
spreading it actually resulted in getting something like this accomplished?
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- Re: Windevices was: RE: [aclug-L] phoebe micro pci modem 56k,
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