Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: announce: July 1998:
Free Linux Install, Perl, New Meeting Format, and ACLUG

Free Linux Install, Perl, New Meeting Format, and ACLUG

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To: aclug-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Free Linux Install, Perl, New Meeting Format, and ACLUG
From: John Goerzen (Air Capital Linux Users Group) <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 28 Jul 1998 23:38:43 -0500
Reply-to: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx


I want to thank everyone for sending in suggestions for ACLUG
meetings.  So please take note of these announcements.

First, one issue that has been somewhat troublesome is making
presentations interesting and useful for people with a wide range of
Linux experiences.  So here's what we'll do.  For those of you that
are starting out with Linux, or just interested in what Linux can do,
please feel free to join us at 7:00 PM on each meeting date (every
other Monday).  Our regular presentation will begin at 7:30 as it does
currently -- and of course, if you can make it at 7, you're encouraged
to stay for the whole program.  I think this is a good solution and
hopefully will make our meetings more useful for everyone.  This extra
half-hour can be used for things such as introducing Linux or doing a
bit of preparatory explanation before the evening's presentation.

Our next meeting will be August 10 at 7:30 PM in the 2nd floor of
Jabara Hall, WSU; with a presession and Q&A time as described above at 
7:00 PM for those that are interested.

The topic for our August 10 meeting will be Perl programming.  Perl is 
a way of automating repetitive tasks, writing simple and complex
programs (including flashy interfaces), setting up interactive web
sites, and much more.  You need not have any previous programming
experience to attend our presentation.  We'll discuss some of the many 
situations in which Perl is beneficial, the basics of the language,
and present examples of things you can do with Perl.

I have found Perl to be very powerful, and perhaps more importantly,
fun to play with.  You'll be amazed what you can make Linux do when
you know a bit of Perl.

Finally, regarding our Free Linux Installation: we have rescheduled
this for August 27.  My hope is to be able to allow people to bring in 
computers all afternoon and evenong on that day.  If you bring in your 
computer, we'll install Linux on it for free!  I hope to also have CDs 
available so you can purchase your own copy of Linux on the spot if
you so desire (not required for installation).

I will be sending out more details about our Perl meeting and the
upcoming Free Linux Installation as soon as I can.

As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, please forward
them on to me.  I am always interested in ways to make the Air Capital 
Linux Users Group better.


John Goerzen

John Goerzen   Linux, Unix consulting & programming   jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Developer, Debian GNU/Linux (Free powerful OS upgrade) |
Visit the Air Capital Linux Users Group on the web at

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