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ACLUG free Linux install April 10

ACLUG free Linux install April 10

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To: aclug-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: ACLUG free Linux install April 10
From: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 26 Mar 1998 23:27:30 -0600
Reply-to: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx


As you are no doubt aware, our Free Linux Install event originally
scheduled for March 19 was canceled due to weather.  We are
TENTATIVELY rescheduling for 7:30 PM, Friday, April 10.  We will be
on the second floor of Jabara Hall on the main (East) campus of
Wichita State University.  Maps and directions are on our website at  We have details for this event at

We are not at this time planning another afternoon install session on
the 10th, but if there is sufficient interest, we may do so.

Again, if you are interested in attending, we would appreciate it if
you would register online so we can get a count of people attending.
Our Events page is at or  If there is sufficient
interest, we can try to make some Linux CDs available again.

Even if you will not be putting Linux on your computer, we encourage
you to drop by.  We'll have a lot of Linux enthusiasts for you to ask
questions, etc.

FYI, our afternoon session lasted about 3 hours, although those people 
that did not require keeping Windows on their computer were done
significantly sooner.

A few other tidbits of news...

 * is now up.  It contains a mirror of  Thanks to SquashDuck for providing
 * If you have a Linux question, problem, or comment on Linux or ACLUG
   issues, you are invited to post to the aclug-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx mailing
   list.  Hopefully this will eventually become a good discussion
   forum for Linux.  You can find information about the ACLUG mailing
   lists at
 * We have an ACLUG and Linux news page up at

John Goerzen             | Developing for Debian GNU/Linux (
Custom Programming       | Debian GNU/Linux is a free replacement for
jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx    | DOS/Windows -- check it out at
uuencode - < /vmlinux | mail -s "Windows NT security fix" bgates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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  • ACLUG free Linux install April 10, aclug <=