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Free Linux Installation -- April 9, 1998

Free Linux Installation -- April 9, 1998

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To: aclug-announce@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Free Linux Installation -- April 9, 1998
From: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 31 Mar 1998 08:53:39 -0600
Reply-to: aclug@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Due to bad weather at our last Free Linux Installation event, we have
rescueduled for Thursday, April 9, 1998.  (aclug-announce readers,
please note that this is now on the 9th and not the 10th as was
tentatively scheduled before).

Linux is an operating system gaining popularity -- there are currently 
about 5 million Linux machines worldwide.  It is a free replacement
for DOS, Windows, OS/2, and the like and has gained a strong following 
as an Internet server and development OS.  Linux recently has made
tremendous strides with its user interface, and today it is quite easy 
to use.

The installation of Linux, however, can be tricky.  That is why the
Air Capitol Linux Users Group is spondoring a Free Linux Installation
event.  If you would like to get Linux installed on your computer, you 
can bring it to us on April 9 and we'll install Linux on it for you at 
no charge.  

ACLUG has extensive information online at or its mirror at

If you would like to come to our Free Linux Installation event to get
Linux installed on your computer, we'd ask that you please register at so
that we can get an idea of how many people will be there.  You are
also welcome to come and watch or ask questions of ACLUG people that
will be there; in that case, there is no need to register.

John Goerzen

John Goerzen             | Developing for Debian GNU/Linux (
Custom Programming       | Debian GNU/Linux is a free replacement for
jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx    | DOS/Windows -- check it out at
uuencode - < /vmlinux | mail -s "Windows NT security fix" bgates@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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unsubscribe instructions, as well as mailing list archives, are on the Web at  If you have a question about
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  • Free Linux Installation -- April 9, 1998, aclug <=