Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: September 2003:
[webdev] website development

[webdev] website development

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] website development
From: Tom Hull <thull2@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:03:54 -0500
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

Hey folks, long time no hear.

We had a Committee meeting the other night, and came up with some
new requirements for the ACLUG website. In particular, we need to
have a system for keeping track of presentation requests and
commitments. We want to put presentation notes up on the website
before the presentation -- tie this into the calendar system. We
also want to have a more flexible system for proposing activities
and projects. All of these things reflect on the website and its
developers -- i.e., us.

To start off, I have three things here that I'd like for people
to step up to the plate and do some work on:

  1. First, we need everyone to take a look at the website, get
     an idea of how it works (feel free to ask questions), and
     give us some feedback on what's good/bad/useless/needed.

  2. I'd like for someone to take a look at website performance
     issues. People have complained that it's slow, but we need
     to know why: the machine? the software? the connection?
     How can we make it perform better? Bear in mind that while
     traffic is currently very light, it should grow. Whoever
     wants to work on this will have to coordinate with Dale
     and/or JA.

  3. I'd like for someone (e.g., Dale) to put together a detailed
     write-up on how to add static web pages (the wrapper thing?)
     to the website, and something more general on how to add

  *  Tom Hull * thull2( *

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