Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: webdev: February 2002:
[webdev] Re: Just an Idea

[webdev] Re: Just an Idea

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To: webdev@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [webdev] Re: Just an Idea
From: Tom Hull <thull@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 23:12:14 -0600
Reply-to: webdev@xxxxxxxxx

Zeke Lightwave wrote:
> Since you're taking ideas, I hope, for the webpage, you might look into
> using template-toolkit ( out.  It's a really handy
> perl script/module which makes making pages really easy.

We're taking ideas, but right now the main thing I'd like to see is ideas
about what the website should do, as opposed to how it should be built.
I started such a list in my announcement. Then when we get that fleshed
out a bit it'll be easier to figure out how to do it.

However, when we do get to how-do-we-do-it time, we're going to need some
people to champion their favorite technologies, or those technologies are
not going to get much of a hearing. If you think template-toolkit is the
right thing to use once we get our requirements in order, then by all means
push for it -- even show us what you can do with it. But I think that the
requirements list is going to go way beyond easy templating, and a brief
examination of template-toolkit and openinteract (based on it) suggest to
me that it doesn't go far enough.

 *  Tom Hull * thull at *

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