Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: tetrinext: November 2000:
[tetrinext] Re: How is it going?

[tetrinext] Re: How is it going?

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To: tetrinext@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [tetrinext] Re: How is it going?
From: Jared Johnson <solomon@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 03:24:14 -0600
Reply-to: tetrinext@xxxxxxxxxxxx

> drslum,
> This is the first email I've received on this list in a few months. Does
> that answer your question?

Indeed, things aren't really going at all.  Not only have I not really found
anyone with enough interest and ability to pursue TINT or related projects, but
life has sort of gotten in the way for me to take any initiative myself.  This
may soon change.  For now, I am basically holding the thing back and not even
trying to more forward -- because I don't want to see a handful of people try
to get involved only to find out that the thing is going nowhere :-/

The time that I can dedicate to such a project and my own abilities to help
will probably both increase in a while.  Until then, cool things will only
happen if someone(s) step forward and _do_ something :-)


Jared Johnson

You will be reincarnated as a toad; and you will be much happier.

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