Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: June 2008:
Lost mail - again

Lost mail - again

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To: offlineimap list <offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Lost mail - again
From: martin f krafft <madduck@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2008 18:10:23 +0200

At least 10 messages vanished from my inbox - all the ones marked
read. This isn't the first time. I run offlineimap from crontab on
three machines, and can't figure it out from the crontab output.
Anyway, something makes me believe that this isn't offlineimap at
all, but rather an IMAP client that causes read messages to be
marked deleted on exit of the mailbox. Since I have mutt purge mail
that's marked deleted on leaving the mailbox, if I don't notice that
there are messages marked for deletion, mutt does the purging and
offlineimap then propagates.

Obviously, the client must be fixed, as soon as I find which one it
is. In the mean time, I am telling mutt to undelete deleted messages
on entry of a mailbox:

  folder-hook . push '<undelete-pattern>~D<enter>'

However, I do wonder: is there a reason why offlineimap should
propagate the Trash flag at all? Or maybe this could be configurable
and turned off by default?

martin | |
"what's your conceptual continuity? --
 well, it should be easy to see:
 the crux of the bisquit is the apopstrophe!"
                                                        -- frank zappa
spamtraps: madduck.bogus@xxxxxxxxxxx

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