Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: July 2006:
dotted Maildir directories

dotted Maildir directories

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: dotted Maildir directories
From: Vieri Di Paola <vieridipaola@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2006 06:19:56 -0700 (PDT)


it's been asked before by other users on this list but
I haven't made this work:

how do I force offlineimap to create dotted maildir

For instance, .offlineimaprc is as follows:
accounts = user

[Account vdipaola]
localrepository = Local
remoterepository = Remote

[Repository Local]
type = Maildir
localfolders = ~/.maildir
sep = .
#type = IMAP
#remotehost = inf-bl07
#remoteuser = me
#remotepass = password
#reference = INBOX

[Repository Remote]
type = IMAP
remotehost = aux2
remoteuser = me
remotepass = password
nametrans = lambda foldername: ('^INBOX\.*',
'.', foldername)


When offlineimap finishes it handles the INBOX fine,
storing the messages inside ~/.maildir/cur/ and
~/.maildir/new/. However, if the "remotehost" has
folders, they are created locally in Maildir without
the leading dot. How can this be done (e.g. can one
use nametrans to translate any wildcard folder FOLDER
-> .FOLDER)?



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