Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: June 2004:
Status update

Status update

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Status update
From: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 11:11:35 -0500


There are a few status updates to post.

First, I never found the time to finish the switchover to Twisted.
Therefore, unless somebody else takes it up, the Twisted (4.99.x/5.x)
branch of OfflineIMAP is dead.

Secondly, I believe I have applied all patches that have been sent to me
to 4.0.3.  If your patch was sent but not applied, please re-send.  My
apologies for the length of time in getting this done.  There is one
exception: the patch removing my imaplib.  My imaplib still has features
not found in the Python2.3 imaplib, such as IPv6 support.  If you would
like to port the patches present in my imaplib to the Python 2.3
imaplib, that would be fine.  Otherwise, I'm going to stick with the
imaplib distributed with OffilneIMAP.

As for the status of OfflineIMAP, I an treating it as mostly "done" at
this point.  I am not adding new features right now because it basically
does everything I want it to.

If there are people out there that would like to add new features
(single-direction syncs and message size filtering are frequently
requested), please post here.  I'm happy to accept patches (and will
integrate them in a more timely fashion, I promise).

I will likely move OfflineIMAP from Subversion to GNU Arch soon to make
it easier for others to collaborate on the project.

-- John

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