Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: offlineimap: October 2002:
Announce: MaildirSync

Announce: MaildirSync

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To: offlineimap@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Announce: MaildirSync
From: dLux <dlux@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 2002 22:52:59 +0200


I have released the first version of my MaildirSync utility, which is
usable for online synchronization of Maildir directory structures, like
Courier-IMAP folder-lists. It has intelligent heuristics, that reduces
the transfer between the source and the target. It can handle
message flag changes without retransferring the file and it even can
save bandwidth if you save your message into another folder (by
calculating md5 sum only for the body of the message).

The speed of the transfer on slow networks mainly depends on the size of
new files, not the changes or the size of the whole repository.

This release (0.1) is named "unstable", because it has some issues,
which needs to be fixed in the future releases. The feature set is
almost complete for 1.0, so radical changes won't get in until 1.0 will
be released.


Test it, taste it, use it. It may be interesting for offlineimap
developers also (borrowing ideas), because it is very reliable if the
question is "online" synchronization.


Szabó, Balázs (dLux)
        A szamitogep megver sakkban, de kickboxban en jobb vagyok!
        My Computer beats me in chess, but I'm better in kick-box!

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