[linux-help] Re: Linux Printing and "Typesetting"
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To get started with Latex, you need a good manual, and some sample *.tex
files. I use Latex quite often, and have gotten surpisingly far just by
modifying other peoples files. A pretty decent reference I found recently
"The not so Short Introduction to
(just grab lshort.ps).
and view it with
# gv lshort.ps
or something
I don't know about how well Deskjets work for ps files. As far as Linux
goes, any printer that has native Postscript support works quite nicely
and is easy to set up. I know many laserjets have Postscript support, but
I don't think many inkjets do.
On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Lars von dem Ast wrote:
> I'd like to know about such things as doing documents with Tex/Latex and or
> troff etc. I've seen .ps files that look great, as well as Tex stuff, but I
> don't know where to begin with Linux "typesetting". Also, can a good, cheap
> HP inkjet do Linux printing of these sorts of files like .ps and .dvi etc.?
> Lb
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