Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: June 2001:
[linux-help] Re: FTP access

[linux-help] Re: FTP access

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To: <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] Re: FTP access
From: gLaNDix <glandix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 00:25:39 -0500 (CDT)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

On Thu, 7 Jun 2001, Greg House wrote:

> Well, that should have shutdown telnet/ssh/rlogin/etc access, so I don't know
> how they'd get a shell.

just make sure you *are* running the *very* latest stable releaseof
wu-ftpd, since it's had some really bad security holes...  i *believe* the
version with the bug fixed is wu-ftpd-2.6.1(1) (that's what it reported on
the server I last upgraded...  i use ProFTPD here, which isn't supposed to
have that exact vunerability)...  anyway, the whole point of this is: a
server that was setup (not by me) at one of my old jobs had a vunerable
version of wu-ftpd running and not even a week later it was hacked into, a
new acct w/ UID/GID of 0 was created and probably numerous root kits were
installed...  it was also used as part of a DDoS attack...  not good! : ^


<<< Linux lloydix 2.4.4 #3 Mon Jun 4 14:09:46 CDT 2001 i586 unknown >>>

Smithers: [whispers in Jose Canseco's ear]
Jose:     I get $50,000 to play one game?
Smithers: That's right, Mr. Canseco.
Jose:     Well, it's a pay cut, but what the hey.  It sounds like fun.
                -- For love of money, "Homer at the Bat"

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