Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: May 2001:
[linux-help] Re: forget root password

[linux-help] Re: forget root password

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To: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [linux-help] Re: forget root password
From: Abdul Basit <basit@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 01:17:56 +0500 (PKT)
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

Not really , You can extra checks on this like
using lilo password enable operation or edit
the initial rc single user script to ask you for
password before switching in single user mode ..
I hope you are getting what i mean ?

 but booting in single user
and changing password is termed as "Physical
security"  ... that is your PC should be safe
and only used by trusted persons physically.

Physical comprise of PC can lead in many severe

Sex is better than Logic.
But I can't prove it !


On Sun, 20 May 2001, adithya wrote:

> hey,
> This is my problem if redhat is like that when ever you forget the password
> you can go to single mode and chainge it what the hell about security in
> redhat any one can reboot the dam machine and chainge the dam passwd.
> How can some one disable this option. In my openion if you forget the dam
> password its better that you format and reinstall the os because we call it
> a pasword cause you need to keep it in mind.
> Thanks ,
> Sudharsha.

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