Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: linux-help: December 2000:
[linux-help] FW: Looking for a "Linux from scratch" mentor :)

[linux-help] FW: Looking for a "Linux from scratch" mentor :)

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To: <linux-help@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <pla2win@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [linux-help] FW: Looking for a "Linux from scratch" mentor :)
From: "Dale W Hodge" <dwh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 17:54:40 -0600
Reply-to: linux-help@xxxxxxxxx

This message was in "info's" mailbox today. I'm forwarding it in hopes
someone has the answer to his question.


-----Original Message-----
From: pla2win@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:pla2win@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 2:33 PM
To: info@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: Looking for a "Linux from scratch" mentor :)

I'm gett'n my feet wet in a big way my trying my hand at putting together a
basic os from scratch.  So far I've got the source downloaded to my jazz, my
partitions and directory structure is made and I'm using RedHat6.2 as my
current os.  I've been using Gerard Beckmans 'Linux From Scratch" manual for
guidance.  According to it I should configure and make Bash-2.04 first, but
right up front, I had trouble getting the make script to run.  So, now I'm
on the quest to find that one golden person who can field a few questions
along my path to 'linux-from-scratchdom'.

Is there anyone in your group who you think might be the person to talk to??

I appreciate the help, and hope to see you on Monday :)

David Norton

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