[linux-help] Re: Alpha Server
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> One of the other people here mentioned software availability. In
> general, the only software that will not run on the Alpha that may on
> x86 Linux is the non-free software that comes without source. This
> would be things like Quake or StarOffice. Everything that you get on
> a Debian CD set, for whatever architecture, is free software with
> source -- and with a few exceptions for architecture-specific packages
> like as86 -- it will all come with the Alpha CD set as well.
Don't forget gogo... the highly Intel/AMD-optimized MP3 encoder! :-)
The Chico, California, City Council enacted a ban on nuclear weapons,
setting a $500 fine for anyone detonating one within city limits.
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Systems Admin, Future Internet Services; Goessel, KS * (316) 367-2487
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