Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: April 2007:
[gopher] Re: Content for a gopher server?

[gopher] Re: Content for a gopher server?

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Content for a gopher server?
From: Chris <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 19:59:35 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

You can put anything on your Gopher...
New, old, both. Thats the neat part:)
What do you like, what do you wish was faster to access
and wasn't cluttered with adds? Maybe some current thing that you could fetch 
from a direct source or even from a web page and put in a simple text method 
into your gopher (like daily hourly or whatever).
Phlog your opinion, look for and save historical files put recipes or your 
hobbies, plans for things you like to build free content is always nice. Text, 
images, movies, sounds, programs, anything at all.
I see sites that are archaic and historical and un-updated and then pages like 
the equivalent of a web personal homepage and blends between them and a few 
pages very specific to a certain science. You might just take some time and 
browse from one end to the other and verify whats out there and see a niche 
that youd like to help out. IMO it's quite free and unhindered.

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:01:05 -0500
brian@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> This was bounced from the m/l because I had the audacity to embed the
> word "s u b s c r i b e" in my original post :)  So here's retry #2:
> =====================================================================
> I've been playing with gopher for some time now, and am ready to go
> live, if not just to show some support...however, I really can't come
> up with an idea of what kind of content to host.  I don't have any
> archives to speak of, belong to a few mailing lists that I've
> thought about hosting, but beyond that, I'm stuck.  
> Actually, I'm not averse to simply setting up a gopher server for the
> sake of doing so, but it would be nice to actually host something
> along the way!
> Any suggestions?  Ideas?  Things that haven't been done yet?  
>   --Brian

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