Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2005:
[gopher] Re: Pygopherd on GNU/Hurd

[gopher] Re: Pygopherd on GNU/Hurd

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Pygopherd on GNU/Hurd
From: chris <chris@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 21:43:57 -0600
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks Alessandro I do too! Must have been tired.
I installed The Hurd on a 233mmx with 164M ram a 4.3G hd
3c509, ati mach64 vid.
So far I have played in X a bit running pysol, dillo and a few
other graphical things. Other than that from console I built
a simple c program I made and played with gcc, and of course
The only things broke thus far for me is ftp (I understand I am
not alone) and ping (I may be alone there) The build was from the
Debian CD set (K8).Basically you make a grub boot floppy from
the CD in linux (I used FreeBSD) or windows and then boot the
CD and partition/install. It is recomended for intermediate or
higher level users, this is a nice recomendation. Oh the 1gig
partition limit is gone.
I would say The Hurd is doing well, I was able to make some
suggestions on the install process which might help those
less familiar with the process, this fit my level of
ability to help on the project (fresh set of newbie eyes).
There still are bugs and it is not a release but it fun to
learn and see how the micro kernel/GNU programs work together.

On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:49:30 +0100, Alessandro Selli 
<dhatarattha@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> chris wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>    Just wanted to report pygopherd built fine and is running on
>> GNU/Hurd here.
>    How is GNU/Hurd faring, by the way?  On what hardware did you install 
> it?
>> It was built from Debians k8 GNU HURD CDs and
>> was effortless.I don't really have anything on it atm but it is
>> located on tha main gopherspace under /Links/Gopher
>> or just gopher://
>> I am thinking of putting Hurd related things there.
>> Happy Gophering all!
>    Than you!
> (I'm adding a Subject: line, I think it's a good thing to do! :-)

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