[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP
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> (I've been looking for something better than C for PalmOS for some time --
> the Python interpreter there just isn't quite there yet)
Myself, I'm a very big fan of Plua:
It's still in its infancy, and it doesn't have network support (yet), but
it's a very nice programming language to work with.
---------------------------------- personal: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Floodgap Systems Ltd * So. Calif., USA * ckaiser@xxxxxxxxxxxx
-- FORTUNE: Good day for heavy drinking. Start spiking the office water cooler.
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, (continued)
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/27
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, PapaLazarus, 2003/08/28
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/28
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, PapaLazarus, 2003/08/28
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/28
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, Ugly Person, 2003/08/25
[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, John Goerzen, 2003/08/26
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/27
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, John Goerzen, 2003/08/27
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/27
- [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP,
Cameron Kaiser <=
- [gopher] Re: [OT] palmtop programming, was: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, MJ Ray, 2003/08/27
[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP, Luis Oliveira, 2003/08/31