Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: August 2003:
[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP

[gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: PyGopherd 2.0 released; Gopher and WAP
From: MJ Ray <markj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 02:35:35 +0100
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

On 2003-08-28 02:00:12 +0100 John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> Hmm!  Does that Scheme interpreter have an interface to the Palm UI 
> libs?

Yes, but you need other tools too (pilrc, I think).

> Plus, a Gopher client would be perfect for Palm too.

That's what I thought.  Far simpler than the HTTP/FTP/HTML/CSS stack, 
given the limited memory and CPU available with a fairly slow network 
connection (9k6bps mobile).

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.

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