Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: April 2002:
[gopher] Width of text files

[gopher] Width of text files

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To: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Width of text files
From: Jollino <jollino@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:54:40 +0200
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hello there,
I've been lurking this mailing list for a few days, and I have an easy 
question for you all.. but first, I guess I have to introduce myself :)
I am a boy from Italy, 18 in a month or so, and I'm interested in all 
the technologies that have been "forgotten", just like Gopher. Too bad I 
didn't live the first Gopher era, but I was a bit too young... :)
I set up a gopher server at my place (, and have moved 
into it some files which where only available via http (at; I plan to remove them for the web and to let my visitors 
use hurg.
I still have to learn stuff about .names and other 'modification files', 
since I only know how to set up .links files, but I'll take my time :)
The question is: how wide should I make the text files available via 
gopher? 80 columns?
Yes, I know it's stupid, but you never know... :P


ps: i'll have a look at pygopherd when school will let me breathe a 
little more :( right now i'm stuck with the revised gopherd..
Daniele Nicolucci (Jollino) - jollino@xxxxxxxxx
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IRC Operator on Discussioni.Org (
Mantainer of gopher://

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