Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: gopher: January 2002:
[gopher] Re: Can't build Gopher on Mac OS X

[gopher] Re: Can't build Gopher on Mac OS X

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To: John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [gopher] Re: Can't build Gopher on Mac OS X
From: Robert Hahn <rhahn@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 07:27:07 -0500
Reply-to: gopher@xxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi, John.

You can download the dev tools for free, after you pick up  a free 
membership, from here:

it's a CD image, so you'll need to burn it, then install it. I think the 
d/l is about 175Mb's...

I will send you a copy of regex.h separately.

thanks for your work on this, John!

On Sunday, January 27, 2002, at 10:47 PM, John Goerzen wrote:

> Hello Robert and the list,
> Robert Hahn <rhahn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>> So, anyway, the make process dies trying to compile GSgopherobj.c
>>>> during
>>>> the preprocessing stage.  Which obviously is a different problem,
> but
> Yes, this is the weirdest one I've seen yet:
> cc -g -O2 -Wall -g -O2     -I.. -I.  -I..   -c GSgopherobj.c
> ./regex.h:95: inclusion of ../config.h nested too deep
> ./regex.h:111: inclusion of ./regex.h nested too deep
> GSgopherobj.c:2001: illegal expression, found `}'
> cpp-precomp: warning: errors during smart preprocessing, retrying in 
> basic mode
> make[1]: *** [GSgopherobj.o] Error 1
> make: *** [object/libgopher.a] Error 2
> What makes this more interesting is that gopher does not include
> regex.h -- it's a system header file.  It almost looks as if the
> regex.h included by the system is weird.  Robert, if you could send me
> a copy of your system's regex.h, that'd be great.
> There is some good news though -- I do have a PowerBook with MacOS X
> on it.  I just don't have any clue where to find the dev tools -- I
> really have almost never used the OS X that's installed here.  If you
> could point me to a URL or something (they're Open Source, right?),
> I'll be able to download it and fix it on my own box.  Once we get
> into system header files giving errors, that's a lot easier :-)
> --
> John Goerzen <jgoerzen@xxxxxxxxxxxx>    GPG: 0x8A1D9A1F    

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