[gopher] Re: Non-links?
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Thanks for the info. (Posts doing nothing more than thanking people is
fine here, isn't it?)
On 10 Jan 2002, John Goerzen wrote:
> <anstouh@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > I was wondering how one could include the non-link info stuff at the top
> > of a gopher site, like at the top of the quux.org site? I can't seem to
> > see anything relevant in the gopherd man page, but I could be missing
> > something. I'm running the CVS image from 9.01.02 that was put up.
> There is a type "i" that does this when included in a Gopher menu.
> With this type, the path, host, and port information is ignored.
> Specifying a paragraph of stuff this way with UMN gopherd is
> annoying. I wrote a program called gopherweblink to help with this
> problem. You can find it at the same place you downloaded gopherd.
> With it, you create a file called .info with your text, run
> gopherweblink, and it will generate a file in your directory with the
> links in a format that gopherd will automatically recognize and use.
> It looks like this:
> Name=Welcome to gopher at quux.org!
> Type=i
> Path=fake
> Numb=1
> Name=
> Type=i
> Path=fake
> Numb=2
> Name=This server has a lot of information of historic interest,
> Type=i
> Path=fake
> Numb=3
> -- John