[gopher] Re: Status?
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On Sun, Feb 11, 2001 at 09:54:52PM -0500, John Goerzen wrote:
> Ive been really presssed for time lately, so I haven't done as much as
> I would have liked to. What I have mostly done is converted the PDFs
> on the Supreme Court site to txt files for posting on quux.org. Not a
> lot of stuff hacking-wise :-(
> What is the status of all the other projects going on right now?
> Anything anyone can do to help?
Wow. Well, answering late, but here goes.
The FORG is progressing to a certain degree. Things actually mostly
work now, and I've been focusing on speeding certain things up
recently. (John: I'm using the Jargon File on quux.org to test this,
since it is an obscenely large directory, larger than most I've ever
I'm having some problems implementing some things though. For
example, due to DNS weirdness in my neck of the woods, I have times
where if I try to resolve "gopher.quux.org", it will take 3 minutes
and then fail. Obviously I want a way to interrupt gethostbyname, but
according to python folk that I've talked to, there isn't a clean way
to do what I'm trying to do. Right now the app is threaded, and I'm
trying to come up with some way to get around possibly having to fork
multiple processes and then set up some sort of cumbersome IPC
mechanism to communicate the results of what was fetched from the
network back to the GUI piece of the application (which shouldn't hang
while reading from the network of course). So far it's looking like
if I really want to implement STOP so that it works like you think it
should, I'm going to really have to go around my elbow to get to my
Other than that, my work has cranked back up into full gear, and I'm
still engaged in pretending to be a college student. :/
David Allen
Art is anything you can get away with.
- Marshall McLuhan.