Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv: October 2003:
[Freeciv] tv players fix?

[Freeciv] tv players fix?

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To: freeciv@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv] tv players fix?
From: Horn Gábor <Horn.Gabor@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 04:24:12 +0200


In the current gamelog format dead players are marked as humans. (Second
item in the STATUS lines elements). It's a problem, please fix it either
in the dead patch or the gamlog generator code, dunno which is
responsible for this. At least it should be marked as ai (>0), and the
ideal thing would be if they couldn't be un-aied. This corrupts now the
results, and undeterminable from the current log if he's really a dead
player or not (see @229429). Running the current doranking script w/ a
new database to this produces this:

mysql> select name,games,points from players;
| name                | games | points           |
| tv1                 |     1 |              984 |
| tv                  |     1 | 984.368348518969 |
| _AI_                |     1 | 984.727843011656 |
| Iuz                 |     1 | 1023.45190423469 |
| Donald D. Dumbsfeld |     1 | 1023.45190423469 |

So the players did a draw, and got the points from the tv's. It's no

thx, hirisov

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