[Freeciv] Re: Mercenaries (and few questions)
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--- Adam Czachorowski <gislan@xxxxx> wrote:
> Hi
> Some time ago there was a poll at freeciv.org about
> ASCII client of
> freeciv. Will someone do this (ASCII client is IMHO
> great idea)? :D
Nikodimka is working on it. See
> And my new idea for Freeciv (should I send it to
> Desing Board?):
I suggest logging into rt.freeciv.org and creating a
new ticket with the subject "Wishlist: mercenaries".
> Mercenaries! If city has tavern (new building) you
> can buy units without
> stoping construction in this city. Also price should
> be lower. Upkeep of
> these units shouldn't cost food or shields, but gold
> and should depend on
> unit type. Of course there should be also limit of
> such units, i.e: each
> nation can recruit only 3 or 5 units per week. This
> idea will make gold
> more important and will provide good defence from
> the sneak attack. What
> do you think about it?
I think there will need to be a "Mercenary" flag in
units.ruleset for ones that can be bought this way --
for Warriors, mercenaries makes perfect sense, for
Bombers it's completely ludicrous. As a quicker
alternative, you could just only allow this for units
with no shield upkeep cost, but that would be severely
limited in the default ruleset.
I also don't like an arbitrary per nation limit; I'd
prefer something like 1 per city with tavern per turn.
Or, have no limit, but double the cost for each
successive unit bought by a nation in that turn.
Personally, I don't see much benefit to my own style
of playing, as I generally am building settlers or
caravans, or have a good defender in every city and a
good network of roads to send reinforcements.
However, I do think this idea would favor largepox
(especially if no limit), so I think it's probably
worth doing eventually.
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