[Freeciv] Freeciv t-shirts from Hack and Roll
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we're starting a "geek bangles" webshop, and I'd like to have a
Freeciv t-shirt as one of the initial products.
Anyone has suggestions WRT the layout?
We're planning to donate x% of the profit from products based
on Free Software projects to some organization of project's
choice; where should this go in the case of Freeciv? (Where "x"
isn't set yet).
When the shop goes live, I'll post the address to the list so
that you can have yours ;-) shipping will probably be
expensive, tough, as we're in Brazil.
(Ok, the bottom line is that I'd like to _wear_ Freeciv
t-shirts ;-) but as I think more people would, we're selling
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- [Freeciv] Freeciv t-shirts from Hack and Roll,
Lalo Martins <=