I'd be against using 1.4, or making it mandatory. If I'm not completely mistaken it's still in beta status. Secondly (and more importantly) I'd prefer an "older" version so that we'd have more people "in the boat". I think java developers always have the newest version, whereas non-developers tend to still have 1.2 or 1.1. And I know that I hate it when trying to compile on my quite-recent linux box some error message pops up saying: "Aaargh, you don't have tomorrows version in alpha status of the sdl library!".
Well, actually I don't feel as aggravated as this may sound now, I just wanted to be clear :-)
So what do you say??
"Brian Duff" <Brian.Duff@xxxxxxxxxx> schrieb am 09.11.01:
It's using 1.3. I ran into a similar problem the other week :)
Do we think its worth changing the required version of Java to use JFreeciv
up to 1.4? If so, I can upgrade the JDK on the server..
-----Original Message-----
From: freeciv-java-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:freeciv-java-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of James R
Sent: 09 November 2001 14:01
To: freeciv-java@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [FreeCiv-Java] Re: Build: jfreeciv FAILED to build
This code is correct in 1.4, what JDK is it using to build?
I'll make it work in older JDKs later today.
On Thursday 08 November 2001 07:10 pm, you wrote:
The Build for jfreeciv failed on 2001-11-09 at 00:10:00. The build log is
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] jfreeciv build started November 9 2001 at 0010
[copy] Copying 1 file to /home/buildman/build/jfreeciv/class
[javac] Compiling 268 source files to
/home/buildman/build/jfreeciv/class [javac]
java:468: cannot resolve symbol [javac] symbol : method getButton ()
[javac] location: class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
[javac] int whichButton = e.getButton();
[javac] ^
java:469: cannot resolve symbol [javac] symbol : variable BUTTON3
[javac] location: class java.awt.event.MouseEvent
[javac] boolean ascending = (whichButton ==
MouseEvent.BUTTON3); [javac]
^ [javac] 2 errors
/home/buildman/build/jfreeciv/build.xml:80: Compile failed, messages
have been provided.
Total time: 36 seconds
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