Re: [FreeCiv-Java] CVS...
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On Tue, 12 Jan 1999, John Goerzen wrote:
> CVS stuff is set up, write access is ready, but I haven't yet heard from
> anyone wanting write access. Does this mean that interest has dried up, or
> that people missed the e-mail, or people are busy, or what?
As I guess I have said before, most of my interest in both freeciv
and this project is gone. In the same time I have a lot of other
things to look after. So don't count me in.
I think it is great that you have set up CVS server and are willing to
give write access, as this IMHO is the best (easiest) way of managing
at least smaller coding projects. But as my motivation has dried up...
> I'd do more hacking on it myself, but if the thing is going to be
> redesigned, I'd rather not do work that will go down the drain.
Good point. Design first.
/Esben (bart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Obviously I was either onto something, or on something.
-- Larry Wall on the creation of Perl