Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: April 2006:
[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#16376) RFE : *Cycle *, Attack Points, and Perma Paths

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#16376) RFE : *Cycle *, Attack Points, and Perma Paths

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Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#16376) RFE : *Cycle *, Attack Points, and Perma Paths
From: "Kenneth Strom" <therelic@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 15:04:24 -0700
Reply-to: bugs@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

Request for enhancement...


Wondering how hard it would be to add *Cycle* as a build option.  If
*Cycle* was selected the current build when it was done would be added
to the bottom of the list.  I think this would greatly improve the
handling of building since it would allow you to automate the items
you wanted to build.  You could put 2 explorers and a trireme in the
build queue and use cylce to keep building 2 explorers for each
trireme you wanted to send out with explorers.  Gui would only need a
cycle check box added.

Attack Points

Wondering also if Attack points could be set to allow newly built
units to be deployed to specific points on the map.  Use of Right
click (which doesn't do anything unless you have a city or unit there,
which makes for an easy check) and a menu to set the number 1-255
would be all that would be needed to be added to create them on the
gui side.  A list of each players attack point XYs and index number
would be needed server side.  For the Building tab a check box for Use
Attack Point and a Attack Point # box would be needed to be added to
the build menu so it was for each city.  This does restrict you from
setting anything with one of your units on it as an attack point,
however, if Perma Paths were added too, this wouldn't be much of a

Perma Paths

I would like to see each city be able to make one land and one air
based perma path.  These would be a path between two cities to quickly
move units attack units around, engineers and workers should be immune
to them.  Basically all this would be is a set path from city 1 to
city 2 than any attack capable unit at 100% hp and not on sentry or
fortify would take.  This would speed up combat and battles since you
could easily move unis to the front of the war from rear areas w/o
doing much at all.  This would only work if a perma path was created. 
This would have to be set either like Q (patrol) or simply making a
list box of cities so you could set air and land path by city name. 
If a list box was used then None or a check box to use the perma path
would need to be added to make it work properly.

Just a few ideas for improving ease of game play.


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  • [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#16376) RFE : *Cycle *, Attack Points, and Perma Paths, Kenneth Strom <=