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September 2005: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#13918) Data: Split Viking and Norwegian nations |
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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#13918) Data: Split Viking and Norwegian nations[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index] [Thread Index]
<URL: > I haven't got any feedback for my work on the splitting of Viking and Norwegian nation, so I'm posting this in a new ticket. The original discussion is in ticket #3594. I'll post a patch when everyone agrees on the details. Changes to Danish nation: - Removed comment about charset: Everything is Unicode now. - Moved ruler Gudfred to Viking nation (king before establishment of Danish nation). - Moved Hammarskjöld to Swedish nation (he was a Swede). - Naming Svend -> Svend Estridsen - Naming Knud -> Knud den Hellige - Naming Valdemar -> Valdemar III (all according to - Erik Klipping -> Erik Glipping (native Danish spelling). - Added two modern politicians - Added two Nordic civilwar_nations. Changes to Swedish nation: - Formatting of legend. - Erik Segergäll -> Erik Segersäll (typo). - Added Oscar and Hammarskjöld - Added Nordic civilwar_nations - Moved Birka to Viking nation and removed comment about the city. - Added cities Lödöse, Kalix, Burträsk Changes to Viking nation (compared to drafts in ticket): - Margrete, Gorm den Gamle, Harald Blåtand and Knud den Store moved to Danish nation. - Added Swedish viking Styrbjörn Sterki. - Put the leaders in rough chronological order - Removed Christiania (17th century name: not Viking age) and Miklagard (Viking name for Istanbul). - Renamed Kaupang -> Skiringssal: the Viking age name of the city. Read more at - Added Torshavn, Ribe, Hedeby plus very large number of cities from Changes to Norwegian nation (compared to drafts in ticket): - Added two modern kings. The bottom line is that medieval Norway still is represented by the Viking nation: Most Viking rulers are medieval Norwegian kings. The main change is that modern Norwegian cities and rulers are moved to the new Norwegian nation. About flags: Attaching two variants of Gunfani (raven) flag and two variants of Longship (viking boat) flag. Pick the best one! Daniel