I just finished a freeciv game, my first online
game on a public server and must say
i'm a little bit disappointed of it. The other
player played the game some time longer
than me and was just much better than me. As we met
we showed our maps to each
Why the..is it possible to build cities so near at
another city????!!
His continent looked to me like an extreme city
plantation and i finally realized:
this game could also be extreme-played like so many
other games...that's sad.
You know i mean it's not realistic in my oppinion.
It destroys atmosphere of the game.
So i would suggest to think about the
Increase the problems a city got (more unsatisfied
people, less productivity..or so..) when there
are other cities crossing the borders of this
I think it would make the game much more fairer and
not so...strange..
Or implement an option for the server where you can
modify those settings.
If it is already implemented, then plz tell me
which settings have to be modified.
thank you,