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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11065) "Trying to update old city (wrong ID)"

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11065) "Trying to update old city (wrong ID)"

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Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11065) "Trying to update old city (wrong ID)"
From: "Marko Lindqvist" <marko.lindqvist@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:40:18 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

  Attached autogame, CVS Nov 14 13:38 EET from stable branch.

Breakpoint 1, update_dumb_city (pplayer=0x5d00b8, pcity=0x1064dd18)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/server/citytools.c:1678
1678        freelog(LOG_ERROR, "Trying to update old city (wrong ID)"
(gdb) bt full
#0  update_dumb_city (pplayer=0x5d00b8, pcity=0x1064dd18)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/server/citytools.c:1678
         plrtile = (struct player_tile *) 0x1028f0e0
         pdcity = (struct dumb_city *) 0x1065d2c8
         occupied = true
         happy = false
         unhappy = false
#1  0x004b8361 in transfer_city (ptaker=0x5d00b8, pcity=0x1062d828, 
     transfer_unit_verbose=true, resolve_stack=true, raze=true)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/server/citytools.c:867
         pother_city = (struct city *) 0x1064dd18
         transfer_unit_verbose = true
         resolve_stack = true
         raze = true
         i = 0
         old_city_units = {list = {nelements = 0, head_link = 0x0, 
tail_link = 0x0}}
         pgiver = (struct player *) 0x5e90b8
         old_trade_routes = {2525, 0, 0, 0}
         had_palace = false
         old_city_name = "Sumy\000\000\000\000 
#2  0x004b9924 in handle_unit_enter_city (punit=0x106d14a0, 
     at ../../freeciv-patch/server/citytools.c:1292
         do_civil_war = false
         coins = 0
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5d00b8
         cplayer = (struct player *) 0x5e90b8
#3  0x004ae838 in handle_unit_move_consequences (punit=0x106d14a0, 
     dst_tile=0x101f9318) at ../../freeciv-patch/server/unittools.c:2502
         fromcity = (struct city *) 0x0
         tocity = (struct city *) 0x1062d828
         homecity = (struct city *) 0x106c25d0
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5d00b8
         senthome = false
#4  0x004af2df in move_unit (punit=0x106d14a0, pdesttile=0x101f9318, 
     at ../../freeciv-patch/server/unittools.c:2766
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5d00b8
         psrctile = (struct tile *) 0x101f9368
         pcity = (struct city *) 0x1062d828
         ptransporter = (struct unit *) 0x0
#5  0x004c0d17 in handle_unit_move_request (punit=0x106d14a0, 
pdesttile=0x101f9318, igzoc=false,
     move_diplomat_city=false) at ../../freeciv-patch/server/unithand.c:1133
         move_cost = 1
         igzoc = false
         move_diplomat_city = false
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5d00b8
         pcity = (struct city *) 0x1062d828
#6  0x004e1615 in ai_unit_attack (punit=0x106d14a0, ptile=0x101f9318)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aitools.c:480
         sanity = 3819
         alive = false
#7  0x004e068b in ai_unit_execute_path (punit=0x106d14a0, path=0x106cbd30)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aitools.c:123
         ptile = (struct tile *) 0x101f9318
         id = 3819
         i = 1
#8  0x004e4606 in ai_military_rampage (punit=0x106d14a0, thresh_adj=1, 
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aiunit.c:754
         count = 3
         path = (struct pf_path *) 0x106cbd30
#9  0x004e75b5 in ai_military_attack (pplayer=0x5d00b8, punit=0x106d14a0)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aiunit.c:1769
         dest_tile = (struct tile *) 0x61118080
         id = 3819
         ct = 10
         pcity = (struct city *) 0x0
#10 0x004e811f in ai_manage_military (pplayer=0x5d00b8, punit=0x106d14a0)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aiunit.c:2043
         id = 3819
#11 0x004e86f0 in ai_manage_unit (pplayer=0x5d00b8, punit=0x106d14a0)
     at ../../freeciv-patch/ai/aiunit.c:2182
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
         bodyguard = (struct unit *) 0x0
#12 0x004e883d in ai_manage_units (pplayer=0x5d00b8) at 
         punit = (struct unit *) 0x106d14a0
         _ids = (int (*)[0]) 0x22ec78
         _i = 52
         _size = 100
         _size = 275584160
#13 0x004d4afe in ai_do_first_activities (pplayer=0x5d00b8) at 
No locals.
#14 0x0046685e in ai_start_turn () at 
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5d00b8
         i = 12
#15 0x00466ae4 in begin_phase (is_new_phase=true) at 
         is_new_phase = true
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5f26b8
         PI_p_itr = 13
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5f26b8
         PI_p_itr = 13
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5f26b8
         i = 13
         pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5f26b8
         PI_p_itr = 13
#16 0x00468944 in main_loop () at ../../freeciv-patch/server/srv_main.c:1530
         eot_timer = (struct timer *) 0x10245d58
         save_counter = 348
         is_new_turn = true
#17 0x0046928d in srv_loop () at ../../freeciv-patch/server/srv_main.c:1883
         i = 83
         start_nations = false
#18 0x00468be9 in srv_main () at ../../freeciv-patch/server/srv_main.c:1649
No locals.
#19 0x004018cc in main (argc=3, argv=0x10102120) at 
         inx = 3
         showhelp = false
         showvers = false
         option = 0x22efc0 "/freeciv/autogames/wrong_city.rc"
(gdb) p game.year
$1 = 1923

  - Caz

set savename easyAI

set timeout -1
create Caz
set aifill 10
set saveturns 0
set endyear 2800
set startunits c
set generator 2


set gameseed  1100597653
set mapseed   1763110226


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  • [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#11065) "Trying to update old city (wrong ID)", Marko Lindqvist <=