[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#9590) Patch: make angry citizens appear (by adjusting
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<URL: http://rt.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=9590 >
You have:
- ginfo.cityfactor = game.cityfactor;
but for this to work with optional capabilities, you have to send the
cityfactor, empire_size_mod, and empire_size_inc to old clients. That
means putting values into the packet and letting the net code decide
what to send.
I think the new system is a simplification of the old system, so it's
possible to determine values that will fit. For instance:
cityfactor = 14
empire_size_mod = unhappy_size - cityfactor
emprie_size_inc = unhappy_size
but I'm also not sure that reducing the old 2-dimensional system to a
1-dimensional system is a good idea. Why shouldn't the first unhappy
citizen come at 3 cities while each successive one comes every 10 cities?