Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: October 2004:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#10364) Adding several building requirements

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#10364) Adding several building requirements

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To: per@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#10364) Adding several building requirements
From: "Genevieve Gracian" <ggracian@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 13:55:49 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >

On Mon, 27 Sep 2004 14:28:27 -0700
"Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> <URL: >
> This patch adds several building requirements to existing buildings. The
> reason for this is twofold: First, it cleans up the building list, and
> makes it easier to find what you are looking for. Second, it makes it
> harder for your smallpoxed little hamlet to produce advanced buildings or
> world class wonders.

In a general way, once the wonder exists the building can be sold if
unwanted and the wonder is still active. Also, the req of a req (e.g.
library for university for Isaac Newton) can be sold and the wonder
still buildable (quite stupid for Newton though).

I'm not sure also that making one building required in one city for
allowing a civ-wide wonder is very useful when it's always possible
to sell the building once its 'gate-abilities' are exhausted. 

Well, it can also lead to grow and care at least a wonder city.

> * Cathedral requires Temple

and not Michelangelo?

> * Offshore Platform requires Harbour

quite obvious even with current rules.

> * Port Facility requires Harbour

why not a new building (an equiv lighthouse)?

> * Research Lab requires University (was Library - why?)
> * Space XXXX requires Factory
> * Supermarket requires Marketplace

I don't like the supermarket needing a marketplace because they haven't
the same family of effects and this may be confusing.  Perhaps a
supermarket could be dependant of a minimum city size (customers) and/or
on a minimum irrigated tiles on radius (suppliers).

> * Apollo requires Factory
> * A. Smith Trading Co. requires Stock Exchange (quite logical)
> * Cure for Cancer requires Research Lab
> * Darwin's Voyage requires Harbour
> * Hoover Dam requires Factory
> * Isaac Newton's College requires University
> * J.S. Bach's Cathedral requires Cathedral

JS bach needs a cathedral and can't be built after Michelangelo (due to
equiv-repl perhaps). Here the idea would be to build a cathedral first
then Michelangelo then JSBach and sell the cathedral after that.

When, for some reason, the req building is sold after the wonder has
been triggered (= is current production), the production continues and
after theorical completion a message is sent each turn "notice, the
wonder XXX will be finished next turn".

> * King Richard's requires Cathedral (important for game balancing)


> * Magellan's requires Harbour

hrmfff. And what about lighthouse then? 

Magellan on a coastal city is a 'hard move' because it's difficult to
protect coastal cities so _the_ wonder can hardly be safe. 

But why not after all? That can lower a bit its strenght and make it
playable (for those who didn't win the 'Magellan race').  Lucky the one
with inner lake, though. For those who don't want the harbour, it can be
sold after the wonder is built. 

What hurts me anyway is that Magellan and harbour don't have similar
family of effects. I'd dare again the 'equiv lighthouse' suggestion.

> * Manhattan requires Research Lab
> * Oracle requires Temple
> * SETI requires Research Lab
> Comments?

> This will make it a bit more urgent that the help system is improved, so
> that it is easier to see what buildings give us when built.
>   - Per

G. Gracian

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