[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#9760) RFC: numbering of terrains
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<URL: http://rt.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=9760 >
> [jdorje - Dim. Aoû. 22 18:26:59 2004]:
> To increase the number of terrains, we obviously need to change the
> T_LAST, T_UNKNOWN, and T_ANY values which currently sit right at the end
> of the terrain enumeration.
> I propose that we use negative values for these. Another alternative is
> to use very large values, but despite precedent (it is used in other
> cases, like techs) there is no advantage to this that I can see.
> T_LAST should be renamed as T_NONE. Current users of T_LAST should
> either use T_COUNT (which will eventually be a variable),
> MAX_NUM_TERRAINS (which will eventually be made large, or removed
> entirely) or (in most cases) T_NONE.
> jason
I not understand where is the problem. simply include new terrains befor
the lastest has to be T_UNKNOWN, (it is not set in ruleset)
T_ANY is not a real terrains type, it is used as spetial value, it go
T_LAST is simply used to count, as T_UNKNOWN as to be the last real
terrains type we can use it to count, T_LAST (or T_COUNT) are not needed,
if we need a spetial value T_NONE, it can be placed somewhere after the
last real terrain (T_UNKNOW)
the model is simple
(real terrains types list), T_UNKNOWN, (spetial values list)
no mater to set negative values or biger value
maybe a
#define number_of_real_tieles (T_UNKNOWN + 1)
#defien number_of_tiles_to_be_defined_in_ruleset (T_UNKNOWN)