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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7143) Migration, nationalism, size 0 cities

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7143) Migration, nationalism, size 0 cities

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#7143) Migration, nationalism, size 0 cities
From: "ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 09:19:54 -0800
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxx

<URL: >


during the discussions in the last weeks about rulechanges about ICS and
some other features i thought how they could be matchedi, and getting a
ruleset default which doesn't change much in the default ruleset.
But gives some new options.

First here are the concepts which are used by my idea. 

Size 0 cities, different growing modell.
Nationalism of people
(rural population)

I like the idea where a city is a place where people live and which
starts with size 0.
In the current model when a settler build a city automatically 10.000
people are added to the city. So the city automatically starts with size

In a new modell the citysize would be
1 with 10.000 people
2 with 30.000 people
3 with 60.000 people

the same as in the old. But growing would be different. 2 units from the
foodbox would be equal 2000 people. With a granary 1 unit would be 2000
people. After the limit to the next size would be reached the city
grows. The city size determinates how many fields can be worked add
(additional to the center) or how many specialists can be made.

When a settler is build there are different possiblilities:
1. civlike: 
building a settler reduces the size by 1, granary is not shrinking.
adding a settler to a city is possible until size 8, city is growing in
size by one and granary size doesn't change.
With the improvement granary (pyramids) after the citysize changes
because of starvation or citygrowing, there is a at least halffilled
foodstock in the next round.
When the foodstock rises over a given number the city grows, unter a
given number (0) the city size is reduced by 1.
Building military units don't change the number of people in a city.

2. my idea:
building a settler reduces the number of people in a city by 10.000
adding a settler to a city adds 10.000 people to a city, this is
possible at every size.
With the improvement granary (pryramids) the double amount of people is
added to the city because of better food distribution over the years.
When there isn't enough food, so the city would shrink the shrinking
speed is halved.
A new city starts with 0 people. And cities can only be destroyed be
placing a new city in the area from the citymindist, so that there is
only 1 city with size 1 in the citymindist-radius. (optional)
settler is destroyed after building the ground of a city (optional)
Building a military units needs 10.000 people (optional)

Hope the idea behind this is clear.

It would be possible to give every unit of people a different
nationalism. When a city is growing the new people would have the 
nationalism from their parents. When a city is under occupation there
are high chances that some of the new people will be from the race of
the occupants. 

The effect from the nationalism can be discussed later. I think at least
there could be a happyness bonus for a city when the owner of the city
has the same nationalism as the people. So occupied cities would be
harder to keep happy. Additional it could be a modifier for the cost to
bribe a city.

As a subtopic from the other two concept there could be migration.
There could be a chance that unhappy people move into cities where the
think that the'll be happier.

The personal happiness can be calculated in different ways. But to get a
solution which is civlike, happy cities in republic and democracy should

Some ideas are:
amount of trade (people tend to move to rich cities)

No new micromanagement.
More statistics.
Keeping people happy helps.
Perhaps more improvements are build.

More options,
Not tested.
perhaps ICS is getting worse. 

Thomas Strub  ***  eMail ue80@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reden ist Silber,
      Schweigen ist Gold!

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