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November 2003: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6792) Re: Re: Freeciv is too slow |
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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#6792) Re: Re: Freeciv is too slow[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index] [Thread Index]
<URL: > On Thu, Nov 06, 2003 at 10:46:24PM +0100, Raimar Falke wrote: > On Wed, Nov 05, 2003 at 04:29:22PM -0800, Paul Zastoupil wrote: > > I used to love playing a lazy game of Freeciv where you just press turn > > done over and over. I could play a game against 30 AI in under an hour. > > Now just playing about 60 turns takes an hour because its SO SLOW. > > > > I don't know whats slow, or what is causing it, but its been getting > > slowly worse over time. I'm running on a PIII-800 with 9 AIs and its > > not fun. > > > > Just needed to vent a bit. > > I noticed the same after a longer game here. The client memory will > increase over 50MB. According to top civclient uses up all the > memory. And the non-updating of the client window confirms this. > > This is GTK2. Some more data. Without measurement you will notice that this depends on shared vision or not. With the attached savegames and the attached patch I got these numbers (new server, new client, pressing turn done): gtk1 and ally.gz: 2: 6,224806: before new year 2: 6,224876: freeze_hint 2: 8,621707: start turn 2: 8,621954: thaw_hint gtk1 and alone.gz: 2: 6,046712: before new year 2: 6,046778: freeze_hint 2: 7,746361: start turn 2: 7,746679: thaw_hint gtk2 and ally.gz: 2: 6,636031: before new year 2: 6,636098: freeze_hint 2: 19,179748: start turn 2: 19,180092: thaw_hint gtk2 and alone.gz: 2: 5,247316: before new year 2: 5,247404: freeze_hint 2: 7,643908: start turn 2: 7,644367: thaw_hint These are wall clock times in seconds. So you have to wait 12s in the gtk2/ally case and 0.3s in the gtk1/alone case. NOTE that this is with the attached .civclientrc. Especially with smooth_move_units=0 auto_center_on_unit=0 So the client should only update the overview canvas and the small area which is visible in the main mapview. Raimar P.S.: I found this log format (time since start of program) in log4j and found it quite nice and helpful. -- email: rf13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!"
[client] version="1.14.99-devel" default_user_name="chris" default_server_host="localhost" default_server_port=5555 default_metaserver="" default_sound_set_name="stdsounds" default_sound_plugin_name="" default_tileset_name="trident" solid_color_behind_units=0 sound_bell_at_new_turn=0 smooth_move_units=0 smooth_move_unit_steps=5 do_combat_animation=1 ai_popup_windows=0 ai_manual_turn_done=1 auto_center_on_unit=0 auto_center_on_combat=0 wakeup_focus=0 draw_diagonal_roads=1 center_when_popup_city=0 concise_city_production=0 auto_turn_done=0 meta_accelerators=0 map_scrollbars=0 dialogs_on_top=1 ask_city_name=0 popup_new_cities=0 draw_map_grid=0 draw_city_names=1 draw_city_growth=1 draw_city_productions=1 draw_terrain=1 draw_coastline=0 draw_roads_rails=1 draw_irrigation=1 draw_mines=1 draw_fortress_airbase=1 draw_specials=1 draw_pollution=1 draw_cities=1 draw_units=1 draw_focus_unit=0 draw_fog_of_war=1 draw_borders=1 message_where_00=3 # Stadt: Unmögliches im Bau message_where_01=3 # Stadt: erobert/zerstört message_where_02=3 # Stadt: Feier message_where_03=3 # Stadt: Aufruhr message_where_04=3 # Stadt: Hungersnot message_where_05=3 # Stadt: Hungersnot zu befürchten message_where_06=3 # Stadt: gewachsen message_where_07=3 # Stadt: wächst wahrscheinlich bald message_where_08=1 # Stadt: benötigt Aquädukt message_where_09=3 # Stadt: benötigt Aquädukt (im Bau) message_where_10=3 # Stadt: normal message_where_11=3 # Stadt: atomar angegriffen message_where_12=3 # Stadt: untersteht nicht mehr der ASV message_where_13=3 # Stadt: Vermindertes Wachstum vorschlagen message_where_14=3 # Stadt: �bergabe message_where_15=1 # Stadt: Gründung message_where_16=3 # Stadt: Arbeitsaufträge message_where_17=3 # Civ: Barbarenaufstand message_where_18=3 # Civ: Bürgerkrieg message_where_19=3 # Civ: Anarchie message_where_20=3 # Civ: Erstkontakt message_where_21=3 # Civ: Neue Staatsform kennen gelernt message_where_22=3 # Civ: Kaum noch Gold message_where_23=3 # Civ: Umweltverschmutzung message_where_24=3 # Civ: Aufruhr niedergeschlagen message_where_25=3 # Civ: Aufruhr! message_where_26=3 # Civ: Weltraumnachrichten message_where_27=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Bestechung message_where_28=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Politische Krise message_where_29=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Flucht message_where_30=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Botschaft message_where_31=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Fehlschlag message_where_32=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Verschwörung message_where_33=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Vergiften message_where_34=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Sabotage message_where_35=3 # Eigener Diplomat: Diebstahl message_where_36=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Bestechung message_where_37=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Botschaft message_where_38=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Fehlschlag message_where_39=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Verschwörung message_where_40=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Vergiften message_where_41=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Sabotage message_where_42=3 # Feindlicher Diplomat: Diebstahl message_where_43=3 # Spiel: Rundfunknachrichten message_where_44=3 # Spiel: Spiel beendet message_where_45=1 # Spiel: Spiel begonnen message_where_46=7 # Spiel: Nachricht des Server Operators message_where_47=1 # Spiel: Nation gewählt message_where_48=3 # Spiel: Spieler vernichtet message_where_49=3 # Spiel: Bericht message_where_50=3 # Spiel: Tonsignal message_where_51=1 # Spiel: Jahreswechsel message_where_52=3 # Global: Umweltkatastrophe message_where_53=3 # Global: Atombombe gezündet message_where_54=3 # Dorf: Eingeborenenaufstand message_where_55=3 # Dorf: Stadtrecht message_where_56=3 # Dorf: Goldfund message_where_57=3 # Dorf: von Eingeborenen vernichtet message_where_58=3 # Dorf: Söldner angeheuert message_where_59=3 # Dorf: Siedler gefunden message_where_60=3 # Dorf: Entdeckung gemacht message_where_61=3 # Dorf: Einheit von Barbaren verschont message_where_62=1 # Erweiterung: gekauft message_where_63=3 # Erweiterung: gebaut message_where_64=3 # Erweiterung: zwangsversteigert message_where_65=3 # Erweiterung: neu gewählt message_where_66=1 # Erweiterung: verkauft message_where_67=3 # Forschung: in der Gro�en Bibliothek entdeckt message_where_68=3 # Forschung: Neue Erkenntnisse message_where_69=7 # Vertrag: Allianz message_where_70=7 # Vertrag: gebrochen message_where_71=3 # Vertrag: Waffenstillstand message_where_72=3 # Vertrag: Frieden message_where_73=3 # Vertrag: Karteneinsicht message_where_74=1 # Einheit: Angriff fehlgeschlagen message_where_75=1 # Einheit: Angriff erfolgreich message_where_76=1 # Einheit: gekauft message_where_77=3 # Einheit: gebaut message_where_78=3 # Einheit: Verteidiger zerstört message_where_79=3 # Einheit: Verteidiger überlebt message_where_80=3 # Einheit: Produktion modernisiert message_where_81=3 # Einheit: Ortswechsel message_where_82=3 # Weltwunder: fertig message_where_83=3 # Weltwunder: veraltet message_where_84=1 # Weltwunder: Bau begonnen message_where_85=3 # Weltwunder: Bau gestoppt message_where_86=3 # Weltwunder: nächste Runde fertig message_where_87=3 # Diplomatic Message city_report_size=1 city_report_hstate_verbose=0 city_report_hstate_concise=1 city_report_workers=1 city_report_happy=0 city_report_content=0 city_report_unhappy=0 city_report_angry=0 city_report_specialists=1 city_report_entertainers=0 city_report_scientists=0 city_report_taxmen=0 city_report_attack=0 city_report_defense=0 city_report_supported=0 city_report_present=0 city_report_resources=1 city_report_foodplus=0 city_report_prodplus=0 city_report_tradeplus=0 city_report_output=1 city_report_gold=0 city_report_luxury=0 city_report_science=0 city_report_num_trade=0 city_report_food=1 city_report_pollution=0 city_report_growturns=0 city_report_corruption=0 city_report_waste=0 city_report_cma=1 city_report_building=1 [cma] number_of_presets=16 # Wenn manuell eine Vorgabe hinzugefügt wird, mu� auch 'number_of_presets' geändert werden. preset={ "name","minsurp0","factor0","minsurp1","factor1","minsurp2","factor2","minsurp3","factor3","minsurp4","factor4","minsurp5","factor5","reqhappy","factortarget","happyfactor" "study-1",-1,20,0,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,20,0,0,1 "klug",0,1,0,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,25,0,0,1 "study",0,20,0,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,20,0,0,1 "klug essen",0,13,0,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,2,0,0,1 "produzieren-1",-1,1,0,15,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,5,0,0,1 "arbeiten-1",-1,1,0,14,-20,1,-20,4,-20,1,-20,1,0,0,1 "superschlau",0,1,0,5,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,15,0,0,1 "modern-1",-1,1,0,10,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,10,0,0,1 "schlau",0,1,0,8,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,12,0,0,1 "produzieren",0,1,0,15,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,5,0,0,1 "paardy",1,1,0,10,-20,1,-20,4,-20,1,-20,1,1,0,1 "arbeiten",0,1,0,14,-20,1,-20,4,-20,1,-20,1,0,0,1 "modern - satt",2,1,0,10,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,10,0,0,1 "modern",0,1,0,10,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,10,0,0,1 "bauen",0,4,0,14,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,4,0,0,1 "essen",0,13,0,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,-20,1,0,0,1 } Index: client/packhand.c =================================================================== RCS file: /home/freeciv/CVS/freeciv/client/packhand.c,v retrieving revision 1.336 diff -u -u -r1.336 packhand.c --- client/packhand.c 2003/10/27 14:25:24 1.336 +++ client/packhand.c 2003/11/07 12:21:24 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ #include "player.h" #include "spaceship.h" #include "support.h" +#include "timing.h" #include "unit.h" #include "worklist.h" @@ -77,6 +78,25 @@ static int *reports_thaw_requests = NULL; static int reports_thaw_requests_size = 0; +struct timer *t = NULL; + +static void start_time(void) +{ + t = new_timer_start(TIMER_USER, TIMER_ACTIVE); +} + +static char *get_time(void) +{ + static char buffer[100]; + double d; + + if (!t) + start_time(); + d= read_timer_seconds(t); + sprintf(buffer, "%f: ", d); + return buffer; +} + /************************************************************************** Unpackage the unit information into a newly allocated unit structure. **************************************************************************/ @@ -534,6 +554,7 @@ { int i; + //freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"city_info(%d)",pcity->id); if(is_new) { unit_list_init(&pcity->units_supported); unit_list_init(&pcity->info_units_supported); @@ -774,6 +795,7 @@ **************************************************************************/ void handle_before_new_year(void) { + freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"%s before new year",get_time()); clear_notify_window(); /* * The local idea of the game turn is increased here since the @@ -792,6 +814,7 @@ **************************************************************************/ void handle_start_turn(void) { + freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"%s start turn",get_time()); agents_start_turn(); non_ai_unit_focus = FALSE; @@ -901,7 +924,8 @@ bool check_focus = FALSE; /* conservative focus change */ bool moved = FALSE; bool ret = FALSE; - + + //freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"unit_info(%d)",packet_unit->id); punit = player_find_unit_by_id(get_player(packet_unit->owner), packet_unit->id); @@ -1835,6 +1859,7 @@ enum known_type old_known = ptile->known; bool tile_changed = FALSE; + //freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"tile_info(%d,%d)",packet->x,packet->y); if (ptile->terrain != packet->type) { /*terrain*/ tile_changed = TRUE; ptile->terrain = packet->type; @@ -2744,6 +2769,7 @@ void handle_freeze_hint(void) { freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "handle_freeze_hint"); + freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"%s freeze_hint",get_time()); reports_freeze(); @@ -2756,6 +2782,8 @@ void handle_thaw_hint(void) { freelog(LOG_DEBUG, "handle_thaw_hint"); + freelog(LOG_NORMAL,"%s thaw_hint",get_time()); + reports_thaw();