Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: September 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] version 14 (PR#977) Extended connect dialog

[Freeciv-Dev] version 14 (PR#977) Extended connect dialog

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To: undisclosed-recipients: ;
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] version 14 (PR#977) Extended connect dialog
From: "Daniel L Speyer" <dspeyer@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 21:23:10 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Here is version 14 of the game starting patch.  Resynchronized to 
current CVS.  Also:
A Choice of nations is now presented when you join a running game, 
similar to the load-game option
Save like Autosave is in the game menu
/rename has been replaced with /take, and related bugs have been fixxed
Novice mode is supported
Permissions are fixed for .civserverlog, and it now contains --log 
Unix-dependant code is safely #ifdef'ed off, though code for non-Unix 
systems still needs writing
"Owner"; is switched to user_username() -- it took some fiddling with 
the load-game code, but I got it
Obsolete cruft has been removed
find_rulesets() is moved to server/ruleset.c
Code has been generally cleaned up

Things *not* changed:
The options GUI is left as is.  The *right* way to improve it would be 
to seperate the options into categories -- which would have to be done 
in the server, and would be far too large a project for joining with 
this patch
The ruleset combo is unchanged.  You can type a freeform entry into it, 
but we use a data-path and the client may as well reflect that.
The change to notify all established connections in NULL cmd_replys is 
unchanged, as this is needed for any messages to reach the user while 
loading a game.

I've probably forgotten some stuff, too.

--Daniel Speyer

Attachment: conndlg14.diff.bz2
Description: conndlg14.diff.bz2

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