Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: August 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4736) Wishlist: Allies should share points for win

[Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4736) Wishlist: Allies should share points for win

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To: zakarria@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Re: (PR#4736) Wishlist: Allies should share points for winning (re: pubserver ranking)
From: "Jason Short" <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2003 06:43:16 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

zakarria@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Right now, even if people are allies, and they win, the one who has the
> most points at the end wins out-right.  It seems like it would make more
> sense for the winner and their allies to share the points gained, and for
> it to be proportional to their score in the game.
> For instance, Player X and Player Y are allies, at the endyear, Player X
> has the most points, and wins the game.  Right now, Player Y is just left
> out in the cold, and Player X gets -all- the points for a win they may not
> have gotten without the help.
> Say Player X had 500 points at the end of the game, and Player Y had 250
> points.  My suggestion is that the total points (in regards to the
> pubserver ranking system) that "the winner" would get from the rest of the
> players, would be split between the outright winner and his/her allies. 
> In this example, Player X would get 2/3s of the points, and Player Y would
> get 1/3.
> I suppose it would get rather complex since if I remember correctly the
> scoring is dependant on the reletive previous scores of the winner and
> loosers, but I would think it would be doable somehow.
> This seems like it would improve things, because as it stands allying can
> lopside a game a lot -- if it also lopsides the benifit of winning, that
> would impact the way people use alliances, in what I think would be a
> logical, fare way.  If you have help, you don't win as big!
> And another, related idea, to add to that:
> End scores of allies would be combined to decide the winners.  So instead
> of the outright single highest score winning, and dragging it's allies
> with it, allies would be counted together in the scoring, so if A, B, C,
> D, and E were playing, and A and B allied, and C and D allied, then at the
> end either A+B would win, or C+D, or E.  Then the winnings could be divied
> up as I was saying in the first place.

Using an ELO rating system (which does not take score into account at 
all) it is easy to have multiple winners and they'll be handled well. 
I'm not sure what the current rating system is, though.


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