Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: July 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] status of cvs head win32 gtk+ client

[Freeciv-Dev] status of cvs head win32 gtk+ client

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To: freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] status of cvs head win32 gtk+ client
From: "Per I. Mathisen" <per@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 3 Jul 2003 22:07:50 +0000 (GMT)

Short version:, has built in
support for trident & isotrident, SDL_mixer & WinMM.

Longer version:
I have to compile with --disable-nls because ./configure does not
understand that although I cannot create .gmo files, I might still want to
build in NLS support. This was not the case with 1.14.0.

client/civclient.c needs to include sdl.h if we use SDL_mixer.

I can reproduce a really weird focus bug: Open dialog X, open dialog Y,
focus dialog X, close dialog X then dialog Y; now the window immediately
_below_ freeciv will pop into focus. Really annoying. Note that you must
do it in the order described, opening dialog X then Y then closing Y then
X will _not_ trigger this bug. Really odd.

Both iso and non-iso work fine now wrt to speed. Or it may just be may new

client/civclient --help does not show anything if SDL is used in any way.
Instead we output to stderr.txt. Bad SDL. Bad.

Which window gets focus is not consistent. The city name window gets
focus, while the message window does not. I have a habit of just
'Enter'ing all such annoying popups. With some dialogs this results in
turn end, with some it results in them going away. Bad.

Sound: SDL is a bit laggy. Probably the same that Raimar has complained
about in the past - the sound lags a bit behind the unit's movement. WinMM
has the opposite problem, it is fast but does not throttle output, leading
to machine gun sound output when multiple units move simultaneously and/or
gotoing over road/rail. Both work, though. Sound is perhaps a bit loud by
default (at least for SDL it is set to max; we should have a volume

Additional library dependencies for the cvs head build (as compared to old
1.14.1 build): zlib.dll, SDL_mixer.dll, SDL.dll, iconv.dll, jpeg-62.dll
and libpng.dll. Although these dependencies make it harder to build a
binary distribution (you have to find and add 'em all), it adds no
additional hassle to end users. In this, the Windows world is heaven
compared to the linux/unix world.

  - Per

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