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[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4342) investigate city core dump

[Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4342) investigate city core dump

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To: per@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4342) investigate city core dump
From: "Jason Short" <jdorje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2003 19:43:54 -0700
Reply-to: rt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[per - Sun Jun  1 08:42:54 2003]:

> Use attached savegame, login as 'Tomislav' and use diplomat on the sole
> remaining French city. Pick 'investigate' and watch the fireworks begin.

I can reproduce this with gui-gtk as well.  The problem is in the core
client or server - somehow the client thinks there is a single unit in
the city, but the pointer for that unit has some bogus data.  Valgrind
may be useful here, but I can't run it right now.  I don't know where
this bogus data comes from.

(gdb) p *punit
$2 = {type = 1078749696, id = 220, owner = 0, x = 47, y = 46, veteran =
  homecity = 13, moves_left = 0, hp = 20, unhappiness = 0, upkeep = 1, 
  upkeep_food = 0, upkeep_gold = 0, foul = 1056964608, fuel = 0, 
  bribe_cost = 137056632, ai = {control = false, ai_role = 137056608, 
    ferryboat = 0, passenger = 131176, bodyguard = 0, charge = 0}, 
  activity = ACTIVITY_FORTIFYING, goto_dest_x = 0, goto_dest_y = 0, 
  activity_count = 0, activity_target = S_NO_SPECIAL, focus_status = 112, 
  ord_map = 137127224, ord_city = 66089, moved = false, paradropped =
  connecting = false, transported_by = 0, pgr = 0x0}


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  • [Freeciv-Dev] (PR#4342) investigate city core dump, Jason Short <=