Complete.Org: Mailing Lists: Archives: freeciv-dev: February 2003:
[Freeciv-Dev] Civ 2 Combat fixes

[Freeciv-Dev] Civ 2 Combat fixes

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To: Davide Pagnin <pagnin@xxxxxxxx>
Cc: freeciv development list <freeciv-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Freeciv-Dev] Civ 2 Combat fixes
From: Raahul Kumar <raahul_da_man@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 04:43:21 -0800 (PST)

I don't know if you've already read this, but Civ 2 did some combat differently
to Freeciv. I'm asking you to send in patches to fix this. 

In particular: 

Aegis cruiser has 300 % defence vs aircraft and 500% vs missile. Freeciv does

static int defence_multiplication(Unit_Type_id att_type,
                                  Unit_Type_id def_type, int x, int y,
                                  int defensepower, bool fortified)
  struct city *pcity = map_get_city(x, y);

  if (unit_type_exists(att_type)) {
    if (unit_type_flag(def_type, F_PIKEMEN)
        && unit_type_flag(att_type, F_HORSE)) {
      defensepower *= 2;

    if (unit_type_flag(def_type, F_AEGIS) &&
        (is_air_unittype(att_type) || is_heli_unittype(att_type))) {
      defensepower *= 5;

It should do this:

if (unit_type_flag(def_type, F_AEGIS)){ 
+       if (unit_type_flag(att_type, F_MISSILE)){ 
       defensepower *= 5;
+    }
+    else if (is_air_unittype(att_type) || is_heli_unittype(att_type)){
+      defensepower *= 3;
+      }

I can send in my old Aegis patch if you want. It will probably still apply.
Combat.c has not changed much.

All of this info is from

3.8 Partisans gain an attack advantage against non-combat units (any with
attack value = 0). Their firepower is increased significantly, perhaps as high
as 10x.

3.12 Barbarians do not always attack and defend at normal unit strengths.
Barbarian archers defend with a base value of 1, not 2. Other barbarian units
have normal defense values. All barbarian attack factors are affected by the
difficulty level of game being played:

    * Chieftan - 25% of normal
    * Warlord - 50%
    * Prince - 75%
    * King - 100%
    * Emperor - 125%
    * Deity - 150%

What difficulty level of Civ 2 is Freeciv simulating? Deity, correct?

Hitpoint recovery is nothing like Civ 2. I had no idea it was this complex.

After the battle, the victor is usually damaged. Units can heal as long as they
do not move, not even along railroad. They heal at varying rates, depending on
their proximity to a friendly city or barracks. Settlers and Engineers, the
only units incapable of fortifying, heal while working.

Land Units:

    * 40% of total hit points healed every turn in a non-barrack city
    * 30% of total hit points healed every turn near a city with barracks(i.e.
a square 7x7 squares) 

We don't do this.

    * 20% of total hit points healed every turn near a non-barrack city

    Don't do this either.

    * 10% of total hit points healed every turn on normal square
    * Fortress (3.2b) always adds an extra 10% to the rate (i.e. on a normal
square, near a city, or near a city with barracks). A city built on a fortress
was not tested.

Naval/Aerial Units:

    * 20%/20% of total hit points healed every turn in a fortress or a city

No 20% recovery for aerial/naval units.

    * 10%/0% of total hit points healed every turn on normal square

It's always 10% in Freeciv.

    * 100%/100% of total hit points healed every turn in a city with port
facility/airport, respectively.
    * Airbase and barracks have no effect.
    * port facility/airport affects only the city square.

This we do correctly.


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